Tag Archives: Technology

The Visit That Never Came to An End II

Now, after my dad finished telling the story to me I looked around and saw my siblings around. Indeed, there was a lesson in form of a secret to be learned. The so called “VISITOR” was called MR. TV and his wife, MRS. BLENDER and the 3 relatives AUNT DISHWASHER, UNCLE MICROWAVE and AUNT DEEPFRIER. Now for the children, they were called IPHONE, IPOD and BABY PSP. If you get the names you could get how the story plays. So “MR. TV happened to miss his way” but in real sense the family didn’t know that the new house which they live in provides all these appliances as new buyers i.e. MRS. BLENDER, AUNT DISHWASHER, UNCLE MICROWAVE and AUNT DEEPFRIER, but for the children IPOD, IPHONE and BABY PSP (play station portable) MR. TV told the children about it, these were adverts displayed on the TV that’s how they bonded and soon purchased them.

One technology led to another, they were just a simple family. In a family, the father usually provides most of the items needed. He was in first instance curious of this visitor, who supposedly had a wife, children and relatives. So the children are more occupied because they have friends from the second family living with them, that of MR. TV.

In general we all get preoccupied with the devices we have in front of us and forget what was there before, emojis to show feelings rather than really express how you feel, call, skype or facetime rather than go as far to wherever that person is at that moment. Is technology taking over? Or has it already?  Either way, it is necessary if one bears in mind that it doesn’t express the way you feel and steals away time FASTER THAN YOU CAN EVEN IMAGINE.

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

-Christian Lous Lange

“New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it.” 

-David Wong

-Amanda Bawa