Looking at the life of a cockroach, most people would say that it has a complete life. It starts off as an egg, then goes on to become a larvae, then a pupae and finally it becomes an adult cockroach. Just like the metamorphosis of the cockroach, we humans also have our own form of complete metamorphosis. We get born, go through the stages of infancy to adolescence, and pass through puberty till we finally enter the world of adult hood. However, there are some people who do not complete their metamorphosis or who complete theirs too early. We see people getting lost to sicknesses, committing suicides, having unfortunate accidents. There is this popular saying that “life is too short to waste away”. This is true when thinking about. As long as we are on this earth, we have to make use of whatever time we have left to achieve the most we can because we never know when our own metamorphosis would be complete.

Edeoghon Osarieme


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