Tag Archives: Insecurities


Insecurities in a relationship are inevitable happenings especially from the side of a woman. Most women, no matter how they present themselves to the outside world, have been seen to have a few nagging uncertainties especially when it comes to dating. Indeed, the dating world can be rough, and while men also have their share of insecurities, they tend to stress about very different things. There are certain generalized phrases that may actually seem true and since you have put that at the forefront of your mind. You tend to have negative reasons why any affair you have will not always last long.

Looking at this literally, being a girl is sometimes really tough, and sure, guys get insecure from time to time, but girls either have more insecurities or just more open to discussing them. I mean, girls get insecure when their hair does not come out the way it should or when they dress in a comfortable way, yet people keep stirring at them awkwardly as though they are the worst dressers the world has ever known. However, their predominant insecurity lies in the hands of guys. A girl could see this really cute guy that would actually want to have a thing with her but then, this very strong feeling of cheating always keeps smashing their heads and gets them really scared. ‘I can’t devote all my love and attention to you just like putting all my eggs in a basket and then you come from the blues and break my crate’ is the thought of various women. Wow! You never want to experience it.

It could be perfectly acceptable to casually date more than one woman at the same time but Nah, it can’t work for me. Personally, I always get paranoid with the fact that these men never actually mean love, they just want to lay hold of that which is in between my legs and he acts to soon or too good to be true, girls get really suspicious and annihilate  the whole relationship even when what he felt for her is genuine. All that is needed is absolute sincerity and reciprocation of love because that is the only way you actually keep a girl going as your bae for as long as time tells.

-Okeze Stephanie