The Visit That Never Came to An End I

I always felt visitors had to be humans or at least look human. Here’s what I mean: my dad once told me a story, now this story was so good to be true, the end had to be heard. He began by saying, “On an early Saturday morning, the morning of which a family were to move to into their newly bought and furnished home. They got up ready and excited, not that the former house they were living in was any good, and much sooner settled in before dawn. The next day, Sunday, they were all seated at lunch debating also how they would all go about their usual leisure activities of outdoor games and fun stuffs now that they were in a new environment. So, the father suggested they just play indoor games, and so it was.

At about 3:30 up until 3:38 there was a visitor at the door continuously pressing the doorbell and at the last minute when he opened the door – in a surprising way of not knowing who it could be for he and his family had just moved in – the visitor greeted good evening and the father in return replied asking how he may be of help , the visitor replied by saying “I’m indeed sorry to have bothered you on a beautiful evening, but I seem to have missed my way, I mean no harm” and so the father said “I may not be of help. You see I and my family just newly moved into the neighbourhood”. “Oh ok but can you at least do me the favour of letting me stay a night or two? By then my family will come for me I hope” said the visitor.

The father was at the verge of not replying to the visitor’s one request right before his wife and children came around and asked what was going on. He explained the situation to them but to his surprise, they all begged on behalf the visitor. So they agreed and the visitor came in and joined them in their leisure. The father stood in curiosity at what just happened, someone they didn’t know, right there in their living room. The father kept on saying two nights and you’re gone. But you see the wife and children were already fond of the visitor by the next day, the visitor knew what to say to make the children happy, awake and pay rapt attention, every single moment of the day except when their mum called for them. Then, he would take the initiative of grabbing the mother’s attention and indeed did so intelligently.

The next day, the children and wife of the visitor together with 3 other relatives of his came in search of him. The father of the house was so excited, he knew now that things would go back to the way they were, but they didn’t leave immediately, the children of the visitor happened to be the same age with the children of that house and so bonded quickly, likewise the wife of the visitor and wife of the house with the other 3 relatives of the visitor, thus leaving just the visitor and the father in one room.

The father, filled with anger was about to pour all his frustration and anger on the visitor but immediately the visitor showed him something, something that was as good as a shield to the father’s anger. It was a football match

-To be continued-

-Amanda Bawa

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