The Budget or the Buffet

When it comes to a budget and a buffet, they are entirely two different things. While budget is an evaluation of expenses, income, and resources over a stated period, reflecting a reading of future monetary conditions and goals; a plan of action for achieving quantified objectives, buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners generally serve themselves.

In our society today, most people prefer to serve themselves anything they want rather than plan for the future, forgetting that there is a tomorrow and that that tomorrow needs resources to plan ahead for next tomorrow and the cycle goes on and on like that. Everyone wants to live an expensive life; people are so engrossed thinking about what today holds forgetting about what tomorrow might bring.

Saving money is an idea most people believe in, yet so few manage to practice. There are many reasons why people may find it hard to save. Most common excuses are “I don’t know how to save, I can’t save, I don’t have enough money to save” etc. but these are just excuses. The problem people who can’t save really have is an inability to delay gratification i.e. they give up too easily instead of fighting the urge to be wasteful spenders, ignorance, high income{these people have the Y.O.L.O- YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE mentality and tend to spend lavishly because they believe their income is huge forgetting that one of the best times time to save money is when you have in abundance} etc.

We can overcome the buffet spirit by making a budget, recording our expenses and setting a limit to them, deciding on priorities, choosing something to save for( this keeps you gingered to save more because you have a target), slash excess spending, understanding spending triggers, making sure to avoid things that make you want to pull out cash immediately and lastly, keeping track of our progress on saving.

Remember that he who does not economize will have to agonize- Confucius. Join the budget team today!

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